“When you start working, even if initially there is no profit, the very experience in itself is a great lesson that helps you out in the future. Eight years ago, after acquiring a loan from Kashf Foundation, I was able to establish a doll making business from within my home. With four children to provide for, I needed to make ends meet, while providing a stable environment for my children to grow up in.”

Salma Kanwal

“Before, there were only a few customers who would buy clothes or ask for tailoring at my shop. Since I became an agent (of AMK), much more customers began to visit my shop, and most of them were people who did the transaction with me. This abled me to earn a higher income, and contributed to my family. I am so glad to see the positive effects and growth my family experiences because of this!”

Chheng Thoeurn, 40 years old

“I have a carpentry and agroforestry business, and supplement my income with agriculture and animal husbandry. I could not find any financial institution to finance my plans … but then I came into contact with Financiera Confianza. I am seen and respected as an entrepreneur. Thanks to Financiera Confianza, I was able to improve my workplace and support my children to enjoy a higher education.”

Quintin, 54 years old

“Before I started with this bakery, I worked at a laundry service. It was tough and I only earned 60 dollars a month. It was impossible to set some money aside for savings. Then I encountered KIF, through a friend who is also a borrower. I come from a poor family and have hardly been to school myself. But because of the opportunities enabled via KIF, my three sons will be able to grow up in better conditions and have the opportunity to study.”

Bernadette, 34 years old

“I am a single mother and live with my son in a private house. When I started my shop in 1997, ACME was just under three months old. I was so happy with their first microcredit! Those 6,000 gourds ($ 95) were my chance to buy a first stock of beautiful clothes and underwear. Step by step I expanded my range. That was always daring, but luckily my courage won every time. ACME supported me with a larger loan at every stage.”

Marie Gracianne, 61 years old